wavematic package

Module contents

Simple wave generator

exception wavematic.MissingTimeAxis

Bases: Exception

class wavematic.Noise(ta: Optional[wavematic.TimeAxis] = None, amp: float = 0.0, seed: int = 0, name: str = 'Noise')

Bases: wavematic.wave.Signal

Generates noise.

  • ta – Time axis.

  • amp – Amplitude.

  • seed – Noise seed. Using the same seed generates the same noise signal.

  • name – Name to give to the noise signal.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__init__(ta: Optional[wavematic.TimeAxis] = None, amp: float = 0.0, seed: int = 0, name: str = 'Noise')[source]
__repr__() str[source]

Return repr(self).

get(ta: Optional[wavematic.TimeAxis] = None) pandas.core.series.Series[source]

Generate the noise signal.


ta – Time axis to use.


Generated noise signal.

lacunarity = 2.0
octaves = 20
persistence = 5.0
repeat = 1024
class wavematic.TimeAxis(duration: float, rate: float, start: float = 0.0)

Bases: object

Generates a time axis.

  • duration – Length, in units of time. Non-negative.

  • rate – Sampling rate (points per unit of time). Non-negative.

  • start – Initial time.

__init__(duration: float, rate: float, start: float = 0.0)[source]
__repr__() str[source]

Return repr(self).

get() pandas.core.series.Series[source]

Generate the time axis.


Generated time axis.

class wavematic.Wave(ta: Optional[wavematic.TimeAxis] = None, freq: float = 0.0, amp: float = 0.0, phase: float = 0.0, disp: float = 0.0, kind: str = 'sine', name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)

Bases: wavematic.wave.Signal

Generates a waveform.

  • ta – Time axis.

  • freq – Frequency (shouldn’t be higher than half of the “sampling rate” on the time axis).

  • amp – Amplitude.

  • phase – Phase, in Pi (between 0.0 and 2.0).

  • disp – Displacement.

  • kind – The kind of wave to generate. Can be “sine” (default), “square” or “sawtooth”.

  • name – The name to give to the wave signal.

  • **kwargs – Extra arguments to be sent to the generator function. If kind=”square”, duty can be given. If kind=”sawtooth”, width can be given.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__init__(ta: Optional[wavematic.TimeAxis] = None, freq: float = 0.0, amp: float = 0.0, phase: float = 0.0, disp: float = 0.0, kind: str = 'sine', name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]
__repr__() str[source]

Return repr(self).

copy() wavematic.Wave[source]

Create a shallow copy of itself.

get(ta: Optional[wavematic.TimeAxis] = None) pandas.core.series.Series[source]

Generate the wave signal.


ta – Time axis to use. If not provided, self.ta will be used.


Generated wave signal.

class wavematic.Wavematic(ta: Optional[wavematic.TimeAxis] = None, name: Optional[str] = None)

Bases: wavematic.wave.Signal

Combines multiple signals.

  • ta – Base time axis.

  • name – The name to give to the resulting signal.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__add__(other: Any) wavematic.Wavematic[source]

Generate new Wavematic instance with added signal.

__annotations__ = {'force_self_ta': <class 'bool'>}
__iadd__(other: Any) wavematic.Wavematic[source]

Shortcut to add a signal.

__init__(ta: Optional[wavematic.TimeAxis] = None, name: Optional[str] = None)[source]
__repr__() str[source]

Return repr(self).

add_signal(sig: wavematic.wave.Signal) wavematic.Wavematic[source]

Add a signal.


sig – The signal to add.


Reference to self.

all_signals(ta: Optional[wavematic.TimeAxis] = None) pandas.core.frame.DataFrame[source]

Group all signals.

copy() wavematic.Wavematic[source]

Create a deep copy of itself.

force_self_ta: bool = False
get(ta: Optional[wavematic.TimeAxis] = None) pandas.core.series.Series[source]

Generate the signal resulting from the addition of contained signals.